7 Solution-Focused Therapy Questions

Top points
- Opening up in therapy isn’t always easy and it’s common to feel unsure of what to talk about during your session.
- Being upfront about any hesitation or concerns helps establish trust between you and your therapist.
- Asking questions can help you build a stronger relationship with your therapist so you feel comfortable sharing your feelings.
Could you be getting more out of your therapy sessions? Therapy can be beneficial for your mental health, but it can also be expensive. So how can you find the most healing possible from therapy, so your money is well spent? The first step is asking the right questions in your sessions.
Sometimes, the right question can open the door to the mending that your mind needs. But knowing what to ask can be a pretty difficult task, especially if you’re new to therapy. From first therapy session questions to more constructive things to work toward once you’re regularly attending, knowing what to ask can help you and your therapist find better answers.
So let’s walk through some helpful questions you can ask in your next session. By asking these questions, you can help take yourself one step closer to the wellness that your mind deserves.
Is It Normal to Not Know What to Talk About in Therapy?
The first thing you should know about understanding therapy questions– and why you may need to know what to ask– is that it is absolutely normal to have difficulty finding things to talk about in therapy. Therapy isn’t easy. In fact, it’s quite tricky. Sometimes you don’t know where to begin, and that’s okay!
The important thing is to trust the process. Even though it might be unfamiliar and confusing, trust in your therapist, and they can guide you in the right direction
What Questions Can I Ask During My Next Session? Constructive & Solution-Focused Therapy Questions to Consider
1. Why Might Therapy Be So Hard Right Now?
If you’re experiencing a mental block with therapy, the first thing to do is get that feeling out in the open and ask your therapist about it. If your therapist knows that you’re not getting the most out of sessions, they can work to change that.
Building trust with your therapist is important, and getting your frustrations out in the open can help you build that sense of trust. A good therapist will be able to reassure you, address these difficulties you’re having with therapy, and work toward a solution.
2. How Can I Open Up More in Sessions?
One of the biggest questions for therapy to consider early on is how to open up to your therapist more. For many people, vulnerability in therapy is complicated. Oftentimes, exposing your emotions can trigger anxiety and prohibit you from opening up. If that sounds like you, the best course of action is to name your concerns and tell your therapist about them.
Explain to your therapist why you’re hesitant to share. Maybe take some time to work with your therapist about your inability to open up before moving on to bigger issues. Naming your anxiety and getting it out in the open can sometimes be all that you need to open up about a topic and find your healing.
3. How Do I Know You Will Respect What I Share With You?
We probably understand that a therapist will respect any information we share with them. After all, they are well-trained professional psychotherapists. But taking that knowledge to heart, really believing it, and acting on it can still be challenging.
But your therapist has, more than likely, heard this question before. Again, building trust with your therapist is a complex yet essential task. Part of their job is to create a space full of empathy and compassion towards their patients.
But it’s important to remember that your therapist will only be a stranger for as long as you keep them a stranger. If you don’t take small risks and trust in them, you will remain at arm’s length with your therapist, which isn’t beneficial. Many times, it’s good to ask this question and get it out in the open, then take a risk and share your heart with the person who is equipped and prepared to help.
4. How Can I Determine What Is Making Me Feel This Way?
This is a great question to ask your therapist, and they will definitely have a strategy for helping you figure out your triggers. Asking this question can clue you into the process to fully buy into it and succeed fully.
In terms of therapy check-in questions, there are plenty to choose from depending on which type of therapy you’re using. The most common method of helping you figure out the source of your emotions is called talk therapy. Talk therapy is probably what you think of when you think of therapy. It involves talking with your therapist about your thoughts, feelings, and behavior in a safe space so you can better understand your actions and emotions.
The most common type of talk therapy is called cognitive behavior therapy, or CBT. In this method, the therapist takes an active role in helping you identify negative thought patterns and behaviors and then works with you to develop healthy coping mechanisms.
Ask your therapist which method they use so the mystery and stress can be removed from the equation. Understanding your therapist’s process can help you feel more secure in it.
5. What Coping Skills Should I Try?
Coping is an important skill for everybody, and your therapist will absolutely have a set of coping skills that they recommend.
Your therapist is best suited to suggest specific tactics to help with your particular situation, so it’s best to follow their advice. They may suggest building resilience through personal connections, decisiveness, and developing your sense of self. They might also recommend changes to your lifestyle or help with problem-solving.
6. What Changes Can I Make in My Daily Life?
Your therapist can also recommend life changes that will help, and solution-focused therapy questions will help you get the right kind of help. They have a good understanding of your lifestyle and can potentially identify and correct behaviors or habits hindering your mental health. They might help you make an exercise plan, improve your eating habits, or help establish consistent sleep patterns.
7. What Should I Work On This Week?
It’s best to take an active role in your own healing. That will help it to be long-lasting. So it’s important to ask your therapist what you should work on each week. This “homework” can help you take ownership of your care and give you the tools to succeed after you stop your psychotherapy.
How Can I Make My Next Session More Helpful?
Beyond knowing the right therapy questions, it’s important to know what else you can do to find answers that will help you. You can maximize your next session by being willing to take risks and putting a little extra trust in your therapist. It doesn’t have to be a major improvement or an overnight change. But small improvements in trust can make all the difference over time.
But there are also some active things you can do to take your mental wellness into your own hands each week.
Journal About Your Feelings Between Sessions
Journaling is beneficial for your mental health, especially if you’re in therapy. It can be difficult to remember the mood or emotions you feel every day. Writing it all down can help you remember everything so you can talk about it in your next session. Giving your therapist more material to work with can help them help you better.
Explore Any Issues That Came Up During Your Session
Therapy check-in questions can lead to a lot of soul searching, understandably. Sometimes, things come up in your sessions that need a little extra working out on your own time. Maybe continue your conversation with a trusted friend, or keep working it out in a journal. If something feels unfinished in your session, continuing to explore it on your own can help move you closer to a breakthrough.
Track Your Self-Growth During the Week
Keeping track of your growth is so important. You need to focus on the positive! Reminding yourself of your victories and successes can spur you to get more. Write down your self-growth so you can look back on how far you’ve come and be encouraged.
Tell Your Therapist You Are Struggling To Open Up
Again, getting your struggles out in the open can really help you to open up. Tell your psychotherapist that you’re struggling to be open. Sometimes that’s all it takes for you to gain that extra bit of confidence to share what you need to share.
How Do I Know When I Should Move On From Therapy?
Of course, asking the right questions for therapy will hopefully mean not having to ask them anymore eventually. This may seem difficult, but the answer is really simple. You’re ready to move on once you and your therapist agree that you’ve accomplished the goals you set out to accomplish.
This requires goal setting and keeping track of your progress. But once you’ve achieved the realization of your mental health goals, you’re ready to end therapy.
What Do I Do If Therapy Isn’t Helping?
If therapy isn’t helping, you can take several other paths. Maybe changing therapists is all you need, or maybe changing therapy tactics.
But if additional treatment is needed, there are many ways to find healing. Antidepressants are an option that work for some, but not for others. One new, effective form of treatment for depression is ketamine therapy, which we offer at Nue Life. It can help you improve your neuroplasticity, change unhealthy habits, and help to open your mind to positive thinking.
Nue Life offers ketamine in the form of a pill. This way, you can have your ketamine experience in a comfortable environment to have the best experience possible.
The Bottom Line
Therapy is an incredibly useful tool in helping you to achieve mental wellness. And by asking your therapist questions and taking your health into your own hands, you can achieve great success and get the healing you deserve. So take these questions to your therapist and take an active role in creating the therapist-client relationship you desire.
What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy? | American Psychological Association
Develop a Battery of Coping Skills | Called to Care | Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center
Talking therapies | Mental Health Foundation
Termination of Counseling | Syracuse University School of Education
Building Trust with Counseling Clients | Bradley University Online